Plugin Testing

Prerequisite Reading

Familiarity with the concepts covered in the following sections are highly recommended:


This document provides some recommendations when it comes to testing plugins.

This is not a comprehensive guide to testing in general.

We’ll cover ways to test the different plugin parts.

Testing Abstract Types, Concrete Types, Wrappers

Testing types is difficult to do in isolation outside of trivially testing methods and attributes.

There are no Metagraph-specific testing practices we recommend in particular here.

Much of the functionality provided by types will be rigorously tested indirectly in the algorithm tests and translator tests.

Testing Translators

It is not recommended to write tests for every translator included in a module. The exception to this advice is if a plugin defines a new AbstractType.

Testing of translators is typically done using the metagraph.core.roundtrip.RoundTripper class, which tests all possible translation paths for a given abstract type.

Here’s an example:

import metagraph as mg
from metagraph.plugins.numpy.types import NumpyNodeMap

def test_nodemap_roundtrip(resolver):
    rt = RoundTripper(resolver)
    nodes = np.array([1, 2, 42, 99])
    vals = np.array([12.5, 33.4, -1.2, 0.0])
    rt.verify_round_trip(NumpyNodeMap(vals, nodes=nodes))

Here we test translation from a NumpyNodeMap to all other reachable NodeMaps and back again.

We use the Metagraph resolver’s translate method to translate and NumpyNodeMap’s assert_equal method to verify that the translations yield identical objects.

Testing Algorithms

Since abstract algorithms are merely specifications, we can only test concrete algorithms.

When testing concrete algorithms, simply testing that outputs for given inputs match expectations is insufficient for verifying that the outputs also match the results from concrete algorithms written in other plugins (that correspond to the same abstract algorithm).

We highly recommend using the utility metagraph.core.multiverify.MultiVerify as it verifies that all concrete algorithms for a given abstract algorithm give the same result.

It does this by finding all the concrete algorithms for the given abstract algorithm, using the resolver’s translators to translate the input types to the appropriate types for each concrete algorithm, and using the assert_equal method of the concrete types to verify that results from all the concrete algorithms are the same.

This also indirectly tests translators.

MultiVerify and MultiResults

MultiVerify(r) creates a MultiVerify instance bound to the Resolver r.

Following creation, .compute() is called to exercise all implementations of an abstract algorithm. The signature for compute is:

r = mg.resolver

mv = MultiVerify(r)
results = mv.compute("", *args, **kwargs)

The abstract algorithm path is identical to the path used to call the algorithm from the resolver. For example, “centrality.pagerank” and resolver.algos.centrality.pagerank are equivalent ways to point to PageRank abstract algorithm.

The args and kwargs of the algorithm are passed in following the algorithm name in a manner similar to functools.partial.

The result of calling compute is a MultiResult instance.


The MultiResult contains a map of all concrete algorithms and their associated return values.

MultiResults can be used in several ways:


Converts all results to a consistent type


Compares all results against an expected value


Passes each result to a comparison function

MultiVerify.transform(exact_algo, *args, **kwargs)

The MultiResult is an argument to transform, allowing further refinement of the result using additional Metagraph algorithms


If the concrete algorithms return tuples, slicing the MultiResult will return a new MultiResult with each tuple sliced accordingly


Calling results.normalize(type) will perform the translation of those results to the indicated type. This is a pre-requisite step for several other operations, although it is not required for assert_equal as the type of the comparison is known and normalize is called under the hood.

The result of calling normalize is a new MultiResult with the same concrete algorithm list, but all results are of a uniform type.


assert_equal compares and expected result with each value of the MultiResult. The output of each algorithm is translated to the same type as the expected result before calling the type’s assert_equal method.

Here’s an example:

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import metagraph as mg
from metagraph.core.multiverify import MultiVerify

networkx_graph_data = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (2, 0), (1, 2), (3, 2)]
networkx_graph = nx.DiGraph()
expected_val = {
    0: 0.37252685132844066,
    1: 0.19582391181458728,
    2: 0.3941492368569718,
    3: 0.037500000000000006,
graph = mg.wrappers.Graph.NetworkXGraph(networkx_graph)

).assert_equal(expected_val, rel_tol=1e-5)

Calling .assert_equal() with the expected value and any parameters affecting the comparison accuracy will perform the assertions. If no AssertionError is raised, then the results from all concrete algorithms match the expected value.

If any fail, an error is raised with additional information of which algorithm produced the failing results.


Sometimes, assert_equal is insufficient for verifying that multiple concrete algorithms have the same behavior. custom_compare gives the user full flexibility over how to compare results which by nature are non-deterministic.

Consider the Louvain community detection algorithm. This algorithm attempts to find communities in a graph that minimize a modularity metric, but includes elements of randomness in the solution. Thus, simply checking for the same community label assignments for each node in a node map is insufficient.

Here’s an example of how custom_compare might be used to verify reasonable correctness:

import metagraph as mg
from metagraph.core.multiverify import MultiVerify

ebunch = [
    (0, 3, 1),
    (1, 0, 2),
    (1, 4, 3),
    (2, 5, 5),
    (2, 7, 6),
    (3, 1, 7),
    (3, 4, 8),
    (5, 6, 10),
    (6, 2, 11),
nx_graph = nx.Graph()
graph = mg.wrappers.Graph.NetworkXGraph(nx_graph)

def cmp_func(x):
    x_graph, modularity_score = x
    assert len(x_graph) == 8, len(x_graph)
    assert modularity_score > 0.45

results = MultiVerify(mg.resolver).compute("clustering.louvain_community", graph)

custom_compare takes a comparison function (in this example cmp_func). The comparison function is passed the output of each concrete algorithm and verifies expected behavior.

To ensure that the comparison function only has to deal with a single type, normalize is typically called prior to calling custom_compare. In this case, the normalization is not strictly necessary as all NodeMap objects have a __len__ property.

In this example, cmp_func simply takes the modularity score and verifies that it is above a selected threshold.


While assert_equal is for exact matches and custom_compare gives full flexibility, transform provides a hybrid solution to the problem of non-deterministic results.

Often, while the solution is non-deterministic, there are elements of the solution which will be deterministic. Consider a max-flow problem. At the bottlenecks, the flow into a node will be consistent for any correct solution. Thus, if we can remove all other nodes and simply compare values for the bottleneck nodes, we could use the simpler assert_equal method. That is where transform comes in to play.

transform behaves nearly identically to compute with two key differences:

  1. At least one arg of kwarg must be a normalized MultiResult.

  2. The first argument is not the path to an abstract algorithm. It must be an exact algorithm call.

The reason for these differences is that we are not trying to exercise all concrete algorithms to check for correctness. Instead, we simply want to run all the results through the same algorithm in order to simplify the result in preparation for a call to assert_equal or custom_compare.

Multiple transforms can be performed on the results, chained together sequentially.

Here is an example for max flow:

nx_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    (0, 1, 9),
    (0, 3, 10),
    (1, 4, 3),
    (2, 7, 6),
    (3, 1, 2),
    (3, 4, 8),
    (4, 5, 7),
    (4, 2, 4),
    (5, 2, 5),
    (5, 6, 1),
    (6, 2, 11),
graph = mg.wrappers.Graph.NetworkXGraph(nx_graph)

# These are the elements of the result which *are* deterministic
expected_flow_value = 6
bottleneck_nodes = {2, 4}
expected_nodemap = {2: 6, 4: 6}

mv = MultiVerify(mg.resolver)
results = mv.compute("flow.max_flow", graph, source_node=0, target_node=7)

# Note: each algorithm returns a tuple of (flow_rate, graph_of_flow_values)

# Compare flow rate

# Normalize actual flow to prepare to transform
actual_flow = results[1].normalize(dpr.wrappers.Graph.NetworkXGraph)

# Compare sum of out edges for bottleneck nodes
out_edges = mv.transform(
    lambda x, y: x + y,
out_bottleneck = mv.transform(, out_edges, bottleneck_nodes

The result from max flow is a tuple of (flow_rate, graph_of_flow_values). The flow rate is compared first by indexing into the results and using assert_equal with the expected flow value.

The graph of flow values is first normalized, then transformed by aggregating edges and another transformation to filter to only keep the bottleneck nodes. At this point, the results are deterministic and can be compared using assert_equal.

The workflow for each concrete algorithm was:

  1. Compute max flow

  2. The flow rate was compared against the expected value

  3. The flow graph was normalized to a networkx graph

  4. The flow graph was translated to a node map using the core_networkx plugin’s version of “graph.aggregate_edges”

  5. The node map was filtered using the core_python plugin’s version of “”

  6. The smaller node map was compared against the expected result

This comparison could have been done using custom_compare and manually calculating the flow rate out of the bottleneck nodes, but using transform allows easy access to existing utility algorithms which are often adequate to extract the deterministic portions and compare using assert_equal.